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Traditional yang-style TaiCHi training in chengdu

作者:Amber 来源:本站原创 发布时间:2015-12-22 11:03:44 【字体:

Amber Zhang, master's degree, Studing under Yang Ch’eng-fu’s great-grandson Zhao Youbin master and another famous Yangfamily Taichi master Zaxi. Mis Zhang is 6 Chinese Wushu Dan system, won many gold MEDALS in many international, provinces, cities and the United States Taichi game. She study Buddhism, Taoism, Chinese medicine, and guqin also, she have taught tai chi in silicon valley in the America.张老师硕士学历,从师杨澄甫曾孙赵幼斌老师和杨氏太极拳名家扎西老师,为太极拳6段,先后参加国际、省、市以及美国太极拳比赛共获得多枚金牌,兼修佛道和中医、古琴。曾在美国硅谷传授太极拳。

   Taichi is the most beautiful part of Chinese legacy, like a Pearl on Crown. I take 3-4 hours to practice it everyday for 7 years, for me,it means a lot.First of all, you can see its presence like flowing water, gentle and tender. The second, Taichi is also a kind of martial art, very powerful strength in every single hit. Thirdly, Taichi is a way to balance body and soul, and it can help you release from pressure. Fourthly, Taichi embodies eastern wisdom, and it is a great combination of martial art, art and Chinese medicine, 太极拳是中华传统文化的瑰宝,我7年来每天都会坚持练习3-4小时,对我太极拳意味着很多很多。首先我们看到的是太极拳外在的形式,行云流水,舒展大方,连绵不断,轻灵柔和,给人以美的享受,太极拳是优美的人体艺术,是流动的诗篇。第二,太极拳是技击之术,每招每式,仍然保持很强的技击含量。现在我们看看其中一个招式的技击用法。第三,太极拳也是一种导引术,在减缓压力,修复身体,保持身心的健康方面,有着很神奇的作用。第四,太极拳蕴含古老的东方智慧,是武术、艺术、中医等的完美结合。


Learning content:

Taoism’s standing exercise and Yang-Style  traditional 85 Taichiquan 道家站桩和传统杨式85式太极拳


Address and Time:

No,129 qingyang avenue, Workers people's cultural palace, in the west of Chenddu , Next to the natatorium, if you face the natatorium gate, we are at right on the steps.Or Subway line 4 new workers people's cultural palace station A export, the outbound on the left side of the platform. Afternoon and evening. 成都市西,青羊大道129号,新工人文化宫,面对游泳馆大门,在右手的台阶上。


Tel:15388158066  QQ:358759405  Wechat 15388158066, if add me please Indicate the consulting of Taichi.

Taught TaiCHi in  Chengdu


 Taught TaiCHi in silicon valley in the America



Taught TaiCHi in Chengdu




Taught TaiCHi in Chengdu


Taught Taichi in Working people's cultural palace in Chengdu

Taught Taichi in Working people's cultural palace in Chengdu

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