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Yoda App - Learn via Infographics

Yoda App - Learn via Infographics

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Developer's DescriptionBy Team YodaYoda app helps you learn anytime, anywhere with bite-sized infographics on diverse topics.Yoda app helps you learn anytime, anywhere with bite-sized infographics on diverse topics.Yoda app helps people from all geography in learning new stuffs in the field of technology, marketing, history, science, mathematics, entrepreneurship, business, geography and much more. In addition to this, the trivia section tells various interesting facts about lot of things, places and people. The unique approach followed by this app in conveying the idea via a single-screen infographic is what makes it stand apart. Also the information is presented in an entertaining way which makes Yoda more of an infotainment app.In the current high paced world, we all love to learn things within a short time. Also, our attention span has reduced. Hence, the unqiue bite-sized approach followed by this app helps in learning on the go and the creatives convey point in a visually appealing manner which makes the retention better.Yoda is a one-stop platform for bite-sized infographics. The best way to understand what it does is to try it out for yourself.Perhaps you are young and have an unimaginable curiosity about everything. Perhaps you have been on sites like Quora and Reddit because you want to get bite-sized knowledge in the fastest time possible? How can you compress everything that you would like to know in the least possible point of time - whether it is finding graphics, images, videos, infographics - anything that is a knowledge capsule for the fastest possible consumption.Your search ends here.
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