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Communication Today

Communication Today

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Developer's DescriptionBy Faculty of Mass Media CommunicationCommunication Today is a scientific journal from the mass media and marketing communication field.Communication Today is a scientific journal from the mass media and marketing communication field. The journal contains professional scientific reflections on the media, media competencies; it also offers academic discourses on the limits of reality, media thinking, new media, marketing and media relations, new trends in marketing including their types and specifics, psychology and sociology of marketing communication, as well as new knowledge about the structure of media contents, marketing strategies and communication sciences. The professional public is offered an interdisciplinary, focused, targeted discussion in these pages. Communication Today is a reviewed periodical published twice a year. It focuses on theoretical studies, theoretical and empirical studies, research results and their implementation into practice, as well as professional publication reviews.The members of the journals editorial board are members of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Communication Today is indexed in these databases: Cabells Directories, CEJSH, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrichs Periodicals Directory and Index Copernicus. It is currently under the indexing process with Scopus, ERIH and Web of Science.
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