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Space News - Science & Astronomy News

Space News - Science & Astronomy News

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Developer's DescriptionBy Function 9 AppsSpace news brings you exciting news about human exploration of space, the universe, astronomy, and more.Space news brings you exciting news about human exploration of space, the universe, astronomy, and more. Articles, videos, new revelations, developments and operations by verified agency that explores the hidden secrets of the universe. This app provides you all the news related to science and astronomy enlightening you with hidden treasure in universe.we provide you with a daily news feed with no repeated stories, the most important stories appear first, and no story will show twice. You can bookmark the new discoveries to read later or to keep it save with you. All the news and discoveries related to science and astronomy are authentic and published by validated agencies, so all the news is true and real for sure. Space news provides you all the latest news about the new missions to planets, new planets discoveries, astrophysics and much more. This app makes sure to collect all the relevant news about space and technology from various sources to provide you with authentic news.Be an expert in the world of science new discoveries, research, interesting interviews and studies. Everything you could wish to know about the latest in the world of science, brought to you in an easy-to-use app, giving you features to bookmark or to share interesting news with your friends and family. Coverage of topics ranging from space exploration and astronomy to physics, environment and earth sciences, and so much more all the news published from authentic sources. From the mysteries of the universe to the latest findings on our own planet.Features:Photos and news from Space Agencies & International Space StationInformation about potentially hazardous asteroidsInteresting articlesVideos from various international space agenciesSpace news caters all the new discoveries and news related to astronomy, science & space, space app is easy to use with maximum usability to provide you real and authentic space news app.
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