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COM Editions Publishing & Comunication

COM Editions Publishing & Comunication

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Developer's DescriptionBy COMsrlThe app allows you to browse the most prominent publications of the COM Edizioni catalog in Italian, English and Russian.The app allows you to browse the most prominent publications of the COM Edizioni catalog in Italian, English and Russian. Among the most cited: Pocket Manual Therapy by Prof. Bartoccioni and other authors such as R. Mancini, C. Vinti, A. Basile, L. Stramaccia, M. Valentini, G. Santi, S. Castriconi, MG Pierotti, O. Vincenzini , P. Raimondi, R. Riccardi, E. Ballatori, B. Romano, I. Garghella, F. Lorenzi, E. Fenizia Galdo, etc.Enjoy a clear view, take note and comment the text and resume reading exactly where you left off without ever losing the mark. Furthermore, you can do a text search to quickly find the topic of interest.Easy, fast and safe purchases!You can immediately put the product in the cart and proceed with the purchase.
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