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(UP Revenue) App

(UP Revenue) App

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Developer's DescriptionBy Digi SahaytaAll the task related to the record of land such as Khatauni system Jamabandi etc.All the task related to the record of land such as Khatauni system Jamabandi etc. were done recording manually on papers. But now Government has computerized all the land record activities in the state. This helps in keeping the account/ record of a land. It includes all the description of a land its owner and other information in detail. ( Uttar Pradesh Revenue) app helps as a guide and it is useful to find the details of a land owner to verify the right owner or to check the records in a short time.Revenue Court computerized management system Computerization of revenue courts in U.P. Bhulekh App Land records App Bhu naksha naksa App Land Map For all districts App Land recovery certificate App aam aadmi beema yojna App Cadastral map App Milaan Khasra App Anti Bhu Mafia Portal App Anti Bhu Mafia complain App Verification of land certificates App Court case information system App Bhulekh computerisation niyamavali App Revenue code 2006 App Board of Revenue App Birth certificate App Death certificate App Income certificate App Cast certificate App Residential certificate App Anti land mafiya App Insurance policy for common man App Court management system App CM Aditya Nath Yogi Yojna
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