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Oforum -Read News & Earn

Oforum -Read News & Earn

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Developer's DescriptionBy Gadgets EstateEarn money online everyday in Nigeria legitimately by becoming a Member on Oforum. You earn money on Oforum by reading and commenting on news.Earn money online everyday in Nigeria legitimately by becoming a Member on Oforum. You earn money on Oforum by reading and commenting on news.Welcome to Oforum, Nigerian's trusted news website that pay readers with affiliate commission and activities bonus.As a participant, you have 2 methods to earn more money to your bank account every month as a Oforum Member.1. As an affiliate, you earn 71% per each referral. When you introduce your friends to participate on Oforum, you earn N1,000 Naira from their entry fee / product purchase and becoming part of Oforum Community.In future when we will be having more valuable products, you will be earning more commission per sales.2. As a participant, we share Oforum revenue with you when you take part of Oforum activities monthly.i. Reading post: When you browse and read latest post daily, you earn from N5 on each post you view.ii. Osharing: When you Oshare to facebook daily, you earn from N20.So once you register and activate your account by paying for Oforum Membership, you will asked to provide and verify your bank account details while you start taking part in Oforum activities.In conclusion, You could be making more than N10,000 Naira daily when you are serious in taking part in Oforum activities.Your referral earning + Read post earning you at least N50,000 Naira or more every month.
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