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Developer's DescriptionBy Divya KhabarThe finest blend of data, design and digital journalism.The finest blend of data, design and digital journalism.Rajkot News is Indias first and among the worlds very few news app where stories are conceived and created only for mobile devices. We dont retrofit newspaper or television articles for mobile. We are mobile native.Rajkot News app allows their wide demographics readers to get latest news about Rajkot(Gujarat, India) and world in one place.Our newspaper consists of multiple pages a day with precise and concise stories that is important to you and the community. Our finest writers from around the world compile short recent stories for you to get you updated with what is happening around you and the world. We strategically compile our stories and its content to make smaller but meaningful to allow you to read it on-the-go.We strongly believe in truth and peace. Our news stories are not biased and are critically thoughtful.Download to experience!
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