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Jenz Coca-Cola (Early Access)

Jenz Coca-Cola (Early Access)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Tribe AppCompanies are made up of human faces...Companies are made up of human faces,their talents, their strengths, aspirationsand ambitions. Once you unite all of theseemotions, the functional part increases andyou have a company that is strong, incredibleand grows more profit. To increase revenue,companies need to give people a sense ofpurpose bigger and stronger than just the taskof working for the employer. That task shouldbe to create a sense of belonging, sense ofpride and motivation.Whatever your company culture is, it needsto revolve around making employees driven.Driven employees are in a direct correlationwith the growth in profit. Motivated employeesare proud and they dont want to leave thecompany that makes them feel the senseof pride. By keeping them happy, proudand motivated we are keeping them with us.
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