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Editors' staffMay 7, 2012Phony for Android offers a neat way to change the way you see Web sites, but it would be nice if it supported more browser options. For now, it only works with Firefox, but if you already use the Firefox mobile browser, it's a really cool browser extension to have hanging around.Since this app comes as a Firefox add-on, it's easy to install and it rests right in the settings menu for easy access. Phony for Android lets you change your user profile so sites see you as something other than an Android phone. You can choose a tablet, Apple gadget or desktop version of popular browsers like Chrome and IE. Some popular browsers like desktop Safari and Opera are absent, but most of the ones you need are here. Once you've turned it on, pages will take a few extra seconds to load. Once they load, though, you'll see the pages exactly as you would with the chosen option.Since Firefox already includes a built-in "view as desktop browser" mode, this utility may not seem like much, but it can prove handy at times. If you already use Firefox, there's no reason not to install it, but those who use other browsers might not find it worthwhile to change just for Phony for Android.
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